恐竜の惑星でサバイバル生活『Primal Planet』『Resourcer』『Tales of Seikyu』

Masa Kei
Masa Kei


3 Picksは、Steamキュレーター「Indie Freaks in Japan」にてTenukibozeさんが紹介するタイトルの中から、ライターが注目する3タイトルをピックアップしてお届けするコーナーです!

Primal Planet

注目ポイント:恐竜・爬虫類ファン集まれ! みんなで遊ぶと楽しそう

Primal Planet on Steam
Explore a vast primeval world filled dinosaurs. Gather resources, craft equipment and upgrade your skills. Defend yourself and your family from prehistoric predators, cannibalistic tribes and mysterious aliens. Rise from a simple cave dweller to the leader of a tribe and defeat a planetary threat.



Resourcer on Steam
Dig deep into diverse biomes, uncover ancient treasures and mine various resources. Craft new tools and build various production structures. Improve your character’s skills and unlock new features as you progress through the game. Manage the resources and create an efficient production chain.

Tales of Seikyu

注目ポイント:お狐さま! ノスタルジックでキャラにも惹かれた

Tales of Seikyu on Steam
"Tales of Seikyu" is an oriental fantasy farm simulation game set in a lost land called Seikyu, inhabited by legendary creatures. However, the town is frequently threatened by the old gods’ forces. As an outsider, can you successfully run the old inn entrusted to you by God Inari?

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